Improve Your Land Administration Process


Over the course of the Coronavirus pandemic, different industries around the world faced an uncertain future as governmental lockdowns disrupted business procedures unlike ever before. One industry affected tremendously by lockdowns and uncertainty was oil and fuel.

The price for fuel tanked, and both consumer-facing companies and B2B ones were suddenly uprooted. In doing so, everyone’s bottom line was affected and simple day-to-day processes were shut down as organizations scrambled to save where they could.

Jobs ordinarily held by internal individuals in oil and fuel, such as land administration, received a facelift. This newfound volatility in the market has sparked the need for many of these companies to outsource the tasks of land administration to full-service groups like Endatus.

What Is Land Administration?

The term ‘administration’ in any industry generally paints a picture of office workers in cubicles, processing tons of paperwork. Yes, a land administrator or land administration department does receive, document, and record information in land agreements and contracts, but there is more involved.

Essentially, a land administrator is the middle person between the land owner and a customer leasing the land. They effectively ensure that all documentation is not only recorded and stored properly, but that the parties involved understand the parameters of their lease agreement.

When a lease is taken, what follows is an intricate process of everything from tracking obligations to title curing, all before the lease is set to expire. While traditionally, this can be done internally at an exploration and production company, the setbacks caused by COVID-19 in oil and fuel have brought to light three major benefits to outsourcing these duties to an external land administration group.

Outsourcing Your Land Administration

A team like Endatus is ready with years of combined experience in land administration tasks like handling lease records and division records. Because many smaller companies likely let go of staff during the pandemic, rehiring and retraining new staff is time consuming, while outsourcing to an experienced organization requires little to no time investment.

In addition to time savings, cost savings is key. Outsourcing not only saves money on salaries and benefits, it also removes the stress of expensive software from your organization’s shoulders. An external land administration company employs the latest and greatest land administration software in oil and fuel.

Thirdly, correspondence in regards to owner relations being handled by a land administration group like Endatus lets your organization focus on growth and other tasks while a liaison keeps communication with customers fluid. A quality land administration team focuses solely on their duties, which in turn improves the efficiency of the processes involved.

Learn About Endatus

The phrase ‘New Normal’ has grown old for many; Endatus prefers to call it the ‘Next Normal.’ As an exploration and production company, whatever your Next Normal involves, Endatus wants to be your land administration partner.

Learn about all the services Endatus has to offer your organization by visiting their website at, and be sure to contact their team to get started.


Save Money on Day-to-Day Tasks


3 Reasons to Outsource Land Administration